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Bulk Cargo Handling

Your Complete Logistical Solution Under One Roof

Bulk Cargo Handling Services

We have perfectly positioned yards close to the port in Mombasa and ICDE in Nairobi along Mombasa Road, with ample open storage space & specialized cargo handling equipment.

We also have a fully fledged logistics center in Kampala Uganda under Bahari Forwarders Uganda Limited (BFUL), comprising of open container storage yards, under  a roof warehousing facility and administration block.

BFL also has a Bulk Cargo handling facility located in Changamwe, Mombasa with a top class warehousing & storage facility to handle transit/local storage needs, be it Full Container Load (FCL) or Bulk. We have a new cargo handling equipment to ensure safe and quick handling of all types of cargo at our yard. BFL gives the outmost care to your goods stored in our facility. We take all required measures to fulfil the clients requirements for both local or transit bound goods. This close proximity to the Port of Mombasa ensures the effective and swift mobilization of personnel and vehicles to ensure our clients consignments are cleared, stored and transported in the shortest time possible.

The shipping industry represents the single largest volume of trade, amounting to nearly 90% of global commerce. BFL ensures that all stored containers are arranged in a specific manner that protects them from damages and natural motions that can cause a disaster. Loading and offloading of goods can take longer period of time that requires the container to be stored in a safe and permitted place until it takes on its next assignment. While most companies do not have the adequate space to store an entire container consignment, and can only collect the goods within it, BFL has the capabilities of storing containers for a longer period of time until the next step is reached.

Bulk Handling
Bulk Handling at Changamwe yard
Pipes From the Port
Coil Loading
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Contact Us

CALL US: +254(0)735-511164
Working Hours: Mon —Fri : 8AM — 5:00PM
Working Hours: Sat : 8AM — 12:00PM